Widen proudly offers ACE after school care

What is ACE Austin?
ACE Austin is an expanded learning program that takes place afterschool, and in the summer.
ACE Austin is funded by the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant and administered by the U.S. Department of Education. ACE Austin programming is completely free to participants, including ongoing family engagement opportunities. Student activities are offered for at least 15 hours per week outside of the regular school day and for six weeks in the summer.
ACE Austin offers activities in four component areas: academic assistance, academic enrichment, college and career readiness, and family engagement.
What are the goals of ACE Austin?
- To support the needs of the campus community through supplemental academic enrichment and meaningful family engagement.
- To help improve student outcomes in academics, attendance, and behavior.
- To provide a safe and supportive environment for students outside of school hours.
Are you interested in ACE Afterschool Care?
Please contact Juan E Diaz Project Specialist I / Site Coordinator
Office# 512-841-0813
Email: juan.diaz@austinisd.org